
Greyhem, the City of Kings, and capital of the Kingdom of Greyhem, is a massive in the Hybolean Plains that acts as the center of the New World. Originally a site of the Sons of Vogel during the First Great War it became an encampment for Arthur Greyhem’s Silver Army and the birthplace of his son, Edgar.

Political Information
Alliance(s) Kingdom of Greyhem
Founded 1 CE
Ruler Oswald XIV of House Greyhem
(977 CE - 1007 CE)
Wein of House Greyhem
(1009 CE - Present)
Social Information
Noble Houses House Greyhem
House Hallenden
House Swordhand
House Merill
Organizations Silver Army
Veil of the Black Hand
Greyhem Military Academy
Religion Elementalism
Notable Places Castle Greyhem
The Waterworks
The Hexicron
Greyhem Military Academy

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Greyhem was built to honor Arthur Greyhem’s lost son Edgar and his wife, Merianna, who passed away during childbirth. The Kingdom was built upon the hills overlooking the lake and the city has grown outwards ever since its founding at the beginning of the Fourth Age of Tenamyr. The Hybolean Plains have seen some of the bloodiest battles in history and the city of Greyhem has never fallen.

Greyhem has many villages scattered throughout the plains but most notably are Miner’s End, the source of stone and metal for the kingdom, and the epicenter of magic, Sorbithia, which lies on the eastern coast at the base of the Gorgath Mountains.

People and Culture

The people of Greyhem, though once filled with an honor and pride with their heritage, have now begun to lack faith in their leadership. Allowing foreign politicians and outsiders to help with the advisement of their King, they are ultimately responsible for the tragedies they face in the Second Great War. During the end of the fourth age it is rumored that those that live in the city are plagued by horrible nightmares and are edgy and aggressive. This was later revealed to be an after affect of their close proximity to the Gauf Warlord, Adramelech. Following the Second Great War, the people of Greyhem seemingly embrace Wein as their new king, but some are reluctant to throw their faith behind a perceived outsider due to their recent histories of traitorous advisors.


Greyhem was founded in 1 CE by Arthur Greyhem and his Silver Army following the First Great War. Learning of his son Edgar’s death from his mentor, Arman Gill, Arthur left his encampment of Sovereign and headed east to build his home at the site that caused him much pain.

The following years saw the founding of Miner’s End and Sorbithia which aided in the fledgling kingdom’s development through a supply chain of building materials and an education offered by the magi of Sorbithia.

In 872 CE, King Wilhelm II, of House Greyhem, was able to unify the Five Kingdoms of Men under the banner of Greyhem. 

Following the Second Great War in 1009 CE, Greyhen was ruled by the direst lineage of Arthur Greyhem once again by the leadership of Wein of House Greyhem, son of Edgar.